“Data is the new oil” – Clive Humby, 2006.
I am CEO of a small and aspiring organization. And I don’t want great employees.
Don’t get me wrong, we are always on the prowl for bringing great people into our organization.
What I need are inspired colleagues that are creators. Employees do tasks. Colleague creators are collaborators that deliver outcomes that move the business and delight our customers.
My business doesn’t need great employees – it needs great creators. My company is not a “thing” – it is a collection of people, aligned on a mission, creating a future, and delivering outcomes. It’s all of us. We are creators pursuing the Creator Economy.
In the old Employee Economy, data is a point of reference, and instances of fact. Words, numbers, dates, and other information that enable humans (aka: employees) to process tasks.
In the Creator Economy, data is the new oil. Black gold. Texas tea. (Can you hear the theme song of the Beverly Hillbillies?) Creators harness the power of data to deliver outcomes and improve lives. The Creator Economy is the digital future – and it is here today.
Employees executing tasks will ultimately be replaced by software, automation, and AI/ML. Creators are wonderfully complex and insightful beings that cannot be replaced by software (at least not today). Creators process nuance, urgency, and insights. Creators are our future.
The Creator Economy touches all jobs, all industries. From plumbers to power brokers, creators deliver outcomes. They leverage the power of data to delight.
In the Creator Economy, work is immeasurably more rewarding, and certainly more profitable for all parties – company, colleague, customer. Delivering outcomes is the essence of the Creator Economy.
We are a company – a collection of colleague creators – committed to empowering creators to harness the power of data to improve lives. Our first outcome in this mission is the delivery of the Creator Empowerment Platform for Splunk.
For rich data insights that can move people, the Splunk platform makes things possible. Creators make things happen. We empower Creators using Splunk.
Please join us on this wonderful journey to lead and shape the Creator Economy….