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Using the transpose Command

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Written by: Matt Ondriezek | Last Updated:

August 7, 2024
search command of the week: transpose

Originally Published:

August 7, 2024

Unveiling Splunk SPL and the transpose Command

Splunk’s Search Processing Language (SPL) is a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization. At its core, SPL allows users to search, manipulate, and report on machine-generated data. Among its many commands, the transpose command stands out as a crucial element for restructuring data. This blog post will explore the transpose command, its syntax, benefits, and practical applications. 

Understanding the transpose Command

What Does transpose Do?
The transpose command in Splunk SPL transforms rows into columns and vice versa. This operation is particularly useful when you need to pivot your data for better analysis or visualization. By rearranging data, transpose helps uncover patterns and relationships that might not be immediately apparent in the original format. 
Why is it Important?
Transpose is essential because it provides flexibility in data presentation. It allows analysts to view data from different perspectives, which can lead to new insights. Moreover, transposed data often fits better into certain types of visualizations or reports. 

Proper Syntax for the transpose Command

Basic Structure
The basic syntax for the transpose command is straightforward: 
					| transpose 
However, to unleash its full potential, you can use additional parameters: 
					| transpose <limit> 
    [header_field=<field>][column_name=<field>] [include_empty=<bool>] 
  • <limit>: Specifies number of columns to transpose. Use ‘0’ to include all columns. 
  • <header_field>: Defines the field to use for column headers. 
  • <column_name>: Sets the name of the first column. 
  • <include_empty>: Determines whether to include empty cells.

Benefits of Using transpose in Your Splunk Activities

Incorporating transpose into your Splunk workflow offers several advantages: 
  • Enhanced Data Visualization: Transposed data often lends itself to more effective charts and graphs. 
  • Improved Analysis: Restructuring data can reveal trends and patterns that were previously hidden. 
  • Simplified Reporting: Transpose can make complex data sets more readable and easier to present to stakeholders. 

Usage of transpose Command

EXAMPLE #1: Analyzing Network Traffic by Protocol

Let’s say you want to compare network traffic across different protocols: 
					index=network sourcetype=firewall 
| stats sum(bytes) as total_bytes by protocol, dest_port 
| transpose header_field=protocol 
This search aggregates traffic data by protocol and destination port, then transposes it to show protocols as columns. 

EXAMPLE #2: Monitoring System Performance Over Time

To track CPU usage across multiple servers: 
					index=os sourcetype=performance 
| stats avg(cpu_usage) as avg_cpu by host 
| transpose header_field=host column_name=”CPU Usage” 
This query calculates average CPU usage for each host over time, then transposes the data to display hosts as columns and names the table ‘CPU Usage,’ placing the title in the left-most column. 

EXAMPLE #3: Comparing Sales Across Regions

Using the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM): 
					| datamodel Sales Sales_Data search 
| stats sum(sale_amount) as total_sales by region, product_category 
| transpose header_field=region column_name=”Regional Sales” 
This example summarizes sales data by region and product category, then transposes it to show regions as columns for easy comparison. 


The transpose command is a versatile tool in Splunk SPL that can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities. By restructuring data, it provides new perspectives and insights. Here’s a summary of key points: 

  • Transpose transforms rows into columns and vice versa, offering flexibility in data presentation. 
  • The command’s syntax is simple yet powerful, with options to customize the output. 
  • Using transpose can lead to improved visualizations, deeper analysis, and more effective reporting. 

Mastering the transpose command will undoubtedly elevate your Splunk skills and enable you to extract more value from your data. 

To access more Splunk searches, check out Atlas Search Library, which is part of the Atlas Platform. Specifically, Atlas Search Library offers a curated list of optimized searches. These searches empower Splunk users without requiring SPL knowledge. Furthermore, you can create, customize, and maintain your own search library. By doing so, you ensure your users get the most from using Splunk.

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